Sunday, March 4, 2018

Classrooms are busy, crowded, and complex places. The all requests lay on the teacher and to think quickly to make suitable decisions before having to act. Most of the time teachers have been left on their own to solve the problems that are related to creating well managed learning environments that will facilitate not interfere with learning. The teacher’s job is not only to explain the lesson and left the students with homework or activities, beside this major job the teachers have to manage their classrooms and students by rules to organize them. So that learning and teaching go hand in hand with managing and organizing.
Classroom management refers to all the things that a teacher does to organize students, space, time, ad materials so that instructions in content and student learning can take place. It includes all of the things that a teacher must do toward fostering student involvement, cooperation, and a productive working environment. Teachers have different ways to manage and organize their classrooms; also managing differentiates among classes, so that managing grade 1 is not like managing grade 10-11 and 12.
I’ve been observing grade 3, English class, for 3 weeks. As an observer we have to look deeply for everything happened in the classroom, the actions and the reaction of the students and the teacher. For classroom management; first there are a set of rules hang up on one of the bulletin boards.
 One of these rules are for hand gestures; so there are 4 kind of gestures each one means something for instance instead of saying may I go to bathroom, student raise three fingers so the teacher know what they want.
Also if they want to answer they just have to do like this:               
The teacher will immediately know that they have answers.
Eating in the class is not allowed, many times the teacher asked their students to through the gum, and if they were eating something she prevent them. I think she have to do this because lower grades have 2 breaks so they can hold it and eat in that time not in the class, also eating in the class will cause distraction and annoying.
When the students become noisy, and they are not listening to the teacher, the teacher said to them: “hands on head”, so they put their hands on their heads, “hands on shoulders”, so they put it on shoulders, “hands on nose, hands on mouth”, and then they put it on their mouth, so they keep silent and re-engaged to the learning process. This way is good they may also sing a song, or make a fun activity that helps the teacher to gain student’s attention. Add to this that the teacher that I have been observing in her class, never raised her voice, she always talk to them (not when she is explaining a lesson) in a low voice, I asked her why? She said that, if she raised her voice too much they will keep raising their voice, but when she talks in a low voice she is forcing them in indirect way to quit so they can hear what she said. Actually I did not believe her, until I observed her successful way several times.
In a case that there are a problem with one of the students, the teacher asks him to go outside the class, then they talk alone for one minute, then they came back inside. She may advise him or warning but not in front the class, because it will hurt them especially if his colleges make fun of him.
In managing our classrooms as teachers we should not have a free or waste time. So we should plan to use every single moment beneficially. What is happening in this class is that sometimes they just look at the board waiting the teacher to finish writing these 5 minutes are expensive, so instead of waiting and looking she can gave them an activity to prepare until she finished, or to read and try to guess the meaning of some words or also give them a game like preparing a riddle in English, so they can tell. There are many ways to fill the empty moment.
Teacher faces a lot of weird, tuff, and complicated situations. So she had to think carefully and deeply before making a decision and to have an act, because sometimes a wrong act makes the situation and the problems worst.
For example: a story happened with a girl in grade 12, life science section, 2010.
This girl was in grade 12, she was clever, and always far from troubles. One day she was so sick and her doctor decided to make a surgery for her, because this surgery she stayed at home without going to school for 3 months. After she became good she went the school, at first it was so hard to engage with her friends and to follow with her teachers. One of the teacher which is a science teacher was making fun of her, and said that she was resting at home and this is her problem not the teachers problem, this girl was so depressed and she decided to stay at home, and the next year she will study again. And that what happened she stopped the school and the next year she re entered and made her official exams and she had a very high grades.
In this case the teacher should take in her consideration that the student has a medical situation, and instead of making fun and hurting her, she should, and this her job, to offer some help, maybe by giving summaries of the lesson, or meeting her outside the school to cover what she missed. Moreover the teacher has no right to say a bad word in this case because as I said before the girl has a medical situation. The teacher should always think about her words before having an act, because of teacher’s wrong act, the girl stopped the school and hated the subject.
Finally, yes we are teachers, but our job told us that we are mothers, sisters, teachers, and friends for our students.


  1. Great subject! We're facing many problems in managing our today's classrooms, and i bet such information will definitely help.

  2. The observations that we are making are to empower us and equip us to become great teachers, we are learning new management techniques that might look simple like the one you mentioned about using fingers to ask for certain things. There are a lot of complications that we are witnessing from the backstage of the classrooms that we are attending. As observers we need to look for things that could positively build our teacher spirit.

  3. When you observe in the classroom, you find it different and more practical than only learning about the English language and teaching. But when you actually teach, the experience is totally different because you are the one in charge and you have to take the decisions. That's why, being always updated on the newest classroom management techniques and methods of teaching will guarantee more successful experiences with the students.


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