Friday, March 9, 2018



            On Children
"Your children are not your children
they are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself 
and though they are with you yet they belong not to you 
you may give them your love but not your thoughts 
for they have their own thoughts
you may house their bodies but not their souls
for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow
which you can not visit, not even in your dreams
you may strive to be like them
but seek not to make them like you
for life goes not back ward nor tarries with yesterday"
Gibran Khalil Gebran
According to Gibran Khalil Gebran, our children are not our children because they have their own thoughts beliefs and personalities, and one day they will leave us to live their own life.
one day they will leave, but we always think that will not because we want them to be like us, however one day we hardly want to be like them and imitate them. life goes toward never forward so be sure that this day will come.


  1. Oh my God! Gebran is such an artist! and he is so right! Our parents always try to make us just like them, by affecting our choices and opinions, and they are always aiming to keep us besides them forever, which is unattainable. Parents should know that their children are not their properties. They have their own lives, needs, and choices.

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  3. I wish all parents and parents to be understand what Gibran means by this. WE can't neglect that parents are the guides of their children, but they have to teach their children for life. Help them live life, face challenges, be themselves, be genuine. It is not a success to have our children a copy of us. They will be born in an era that will be different from ours.


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