Friday, March 9, 2018

Read to your babies

Majority of people have wrong or no idea about the time they should start reading to their babies.
Parents should start reading for their babies at age 3-6 months. Yes, the mother or father can hold their baby close and read, talk and sing, the baby will start enjoy looking at mirrors and pictures. 
Make sure the books you select are big in size, rich in colorful pictures.
Children also enjoy sounds, so when parents are reading they should produce different sounds with different intonations and tones. Let them touch the book especially if the pictures inserted are 3D, they will love it. It is very important to make reading as essential part of their daily routine for example, reading at bedtime. 


  1. I totally agree of what you mentioned above about the importance of reading for babies. Reading touches children about the world around them, also it develops a child's imagination.

  2. its important to teach our child early, because this will develop their imagination, become a good listener and able to differentiate between things.

  3. I loved this topic Nisreen!! It makes me smile!! I totally agree with you, because my mom used to read lots of English stories for my small sister. Once my mom went to school and the teachers asked her did (Dalal) which is my small sister borne in America, my mom answer was no! My sister talk really good in English.

  4. thx for these information, I will start reading for my baby soon.

  5. That's very interesting! I also heard that moms must read and listen to different texts while they're pregnant because the infant will be affected positively. It's great to also expose them to different sounds and visuals as early as possible in order to stimulate their five senses and help them talk at earlier stages.

  6. Thank you for this piece of information. Reading is important for our children even in our classrooms we can use reading for helping them to use their imagination more and this imagination will help them in learning new things in many subjects such as math , physics .....

  7. Big like !
    It is an amazing topic, every mom should read this and follow your advice to grow up good generation !

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. As a new mother, I always wondered when should I start reading to my baby. Now I know that it is the time. Thank you for these amazing information


Factors promoting the use of English around the world:

The spread of English is the result of a number of historical and pragmatic factors: 1- Historical factors: English was the language ...