Saturday, March 10, 2018

Unusual Schools!

1- Dongzhung Mid-Cave Primary School: as we see this school is located in cave  in the mountainous Miao village in Guizhou province, China.It includes 186 students. 

2- "The Boat Schools of Bangladesh: Twice a year, Bangladesh experiences floods which leave millions of its citizens without access to clean water, electricity, and other necessities. It becomes difficult for children to attend schools and for those schools to keep their doors open. To combat the challenges caused by the annual floods, a nonprofit organization called Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha came up with a brilliant solution. They built houses, health care centers, and schools that float." this school were built under certain circumstances. 
3- Abo Elementary School: "it is found in U.S.A and it is underground school;The school is completely underground. A playground was built on its roof. The school has three different entrances, each of which is protected by an 800-kilogram (1,800 lb) steel blast door. It’s also equipped with decontamination showers. The school is reportedly capable of resisting radiation and withstanding a 20-megaton blast. In its day, it had a morgue, a generator, a well, its own ventilation system, and stockpiles of food and medication. Despite all of this, many of its students had no idea that they attended elementary school in a bomb shelter."
many schools and shelters were also built under the ground to protect the people and to live in safe place.

4- Gulu Elementary School: it is located in the mountainous Hanyuan County, 
Sichuan Province, China. this mountain is very high and students should walk a long
distance to arrive.
5- The Philadelphia School of the Future: this school requires no books, 
the notes can be taken on tablets or phones all the teaching learning process 
can be done using technological devices.
6- Brooklyn Free School: there is no curriculum in this school, students can choose 
any type of lesson that they want to study. 


  1. I liked the fact that in all of these places, people really wanted to learn, they refused to surrender to the challanges encountered, and they created their schools in their own ways. However, the question here is how safe these places are for children to be in like the cave for example. If the class is under the ground or if the school is floating on water, will the teachers be able to keep students engaged and fully attentive while teaching?

  2. These are heart-warming schools. They show that nothing can stop a person from learning even if it is mother nature. But I guess teachers face hard times keeping students engaged and attentive. The surroundings are pretty nice that would make any person lose attention and just sit to watch what is around! Very interesting Thanks for Sharing.

  3. These schools are really weird but, it is an advantage to have those kinds of schools because students have weird needs sometimes where, these schools may be the best for them. I think that it does not matter where the school is or the way they teach, what really matters is that it is to enrich the students with what they love and need.

  4. It is really unusual! Such schools are really weird, it looks like they don't have specific and clear objectives and goals. But on the other hand, this might reveal positively on students by enabling them to take the decision and feel responsible and accountable for their choices!

  5. I like these ideas that challenge any circumstances for the sacrificed purpose of learning.

  6. The most important impression that I got after reading your post is that almost every country in every corner of the world, like china, USA... are making their best so that children learn. No matter what is the circumstances, learning is what matters and the most interesting type of schools is the boat schools of Bangladesh and here I noticed that they are not making the floods an excuse to stop teaching but they are making teaching fun.


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